Trademark Registration
Your trademark helps prevent other businesses that want to
operate commercially under the same or similar name.
Register your business brand today and protect its prestige and reputation.
As an entrepreneur it is logical to want your business to stand out in its industry and especially in such intense competition of similar businesses.
Consider that you have established yourself in the market with a certain distinguishing feature, i.e. a brand, and after some time a competing business appears with the same similar brand.
This is where all the problems will start and you surely understand that such phenomena affect your customers, the reputation and prestige of your business and possibly its viability.

Brands help build the reputation of businesses.
Visual contact with your brand allows your customers to instantly recognize your business at first glance in any competitive environment and whether your products or services are present.
Consider a brand like the iconic Goody's logo. When we see it, even from a long distance, we immediately understand that we are not far from delicious cheeseburgers and fries!
The brand is part of your corporate identity.
The original names, phrases, symbols, logos and designs you create for your business help identify your products and services. Consumers will be able to distinguish your offerings from those of competing businesses, largely thanks to memorable and recognizable branding.
Trademark registration gives its owners exclusive rights.
Until a trademark is registered at national, European or international level, it is possible that a competing business will claim it for its own use. In addition, it is very likely that the trademark you created already exists. The mark you created and believe to be unique may already be registered or pending registration by another company.
The best way to deal with both of these above problems is to register your trademark as soon as possible!
Registering your trademark should be the first step in planning your new business.
National signal
430 €
Registration and protection of your trademark within Greece.
Trademark registration
Mark filing fees
(€120 in favor of the public)
Trademark registration and protection for 10 years
Register in up to 2 classes
European badge
1650 €
Registration and protection of your trademark within the European Union (in the 27 member states).
Trademark registration
Mark filing fees
Trademark registration and protection for 10 years
Register in up to 2 classes
International mark
[ Request a quote ]
Registration and protection of your trademark within the state in which you are based and in the states of your choice.
Trademark registration
Mark filing fees
Trademark registration and protection for 10 years
Register in up to 2 classes
If you are just starting your business and don't have a logo or want to redesign your existing one or are thinking of a new logo as part of rebranding your company, then we can design a high quality logo for you and then trademark it.
Get a new logo with our service Logo/Trademark Design.
Let's see why you need a Trademark
The trademark determines the legal owner of the name
It boosts business moves in the industry you operate in
It prevents third parties from using your name in the same or another market
It saves you money from future disputes regarding your name
It creates goodwill in your business name
It makes your brand more attractive to investors because it is now protected
Increases the prestige and professionalism of your business
You will be able to use the ® symbol on your mark to distinguish its registration
It is a one-time procedure and only requires renewal of protection every 10 years
You have the right to sell or transfer it to third parties at any time
Avoid any unnecessary, sudden and unwanted rebranding
You have the option of registering in Greece and/or Europe and/or Internationally
The registration of the Trademark is the first important step for every startup company that wants to protect its course, for every existing business that is seriously considering its next step, for every company that plans a substantial rebranding.
Reliable and fast in 4 steps
Application and payment of deposit
You choose between National, European and International trademarks, complete the online application and pay online if it concerns a National or European trademark.
Legal research and guidance
The specialized intellectual property law firm we work with manages your application, conducts detailed availability research depending on the type of mark and, where necessary, guides you through all the steps of the registration process.
Registration application submission
We submit the registration application for the trademark you have chosen to the corresponding national, European or international registration body.
Result of registration application
After 5 to 6 months, we notify you electronically of the result of your application and, if it is positive, of the decision to register your mark.