Logo / Trademark Design
95% of leading brands use only one or two colors
in their logo. Some of the most popular colors in logos are
blue, red, black and yellow or gold.
Your logo is one of the first things users and customers see when they come in contact with your brand. The logo should represent your values, ethics, vision and quality.
The logo can contain only text, one word for example, or contain a combination of words and some design or graphics. In all of the above cases, however, your logo must be easily recognizable and feel like it represents you perfectly.

A logo is vital to your business, which is why we create custom logos for you that will enhance your brand awareness and help create a sense of professionalism and credibility.
Whether you are starting a new company, or have a company of many years, a well-designed logo will enhance your company's image as it builds bonds of trust with your customers.
Whether you are thinking of a brand new logo for your new business, or want a new logo to rebrand to refresh your business image, our creative team is capable of designing a custom logo for you that you can be really proud owner of it.

What might a logo design service include?
Custom design to your company's characteristics
You have full ownership of the final designs
Preparing it for registration as a trademark
Multiple design revisions until the desired end result
Additional logo version suitable for use on social media
Logo delivery in multiple file types (.ai, .eps, .pdf, .png, .jpg)
High resolution final design for customization to any size desired
Multiple resolutions of final files for web or print use
Design of a new logo for cases of corporate identity renewal (rebranding)
Restore to high resolution an old logo from a printout or from a low resolution image.
Custom uniform logo design for product or service line
Competition research and logo customization with unique features
It's time to outdo your competition with a custom and well-designed logo, courtesy of MediaBranch.
Make your business stand out, attract more customers and increase your profits.